Better Reader believes in embracing all learning modalities so no child is left behind.



Auditory learners excel when information is presented through sound. They benefit from techniques such as audiobooks, reading aloud, debates, flashcards, documentaries, online tutorials, text-to-speech, and more.


Kinesthetic learners thrive on active, hands-on experiences. They learn best through activities like hands-on teaching, building models, physical engagement, field trips, and interactive drills.



Multi-sensory learning engages visual, auditory, tactile, and kinesthetic pathways, boosting memory and learning. It addresses weaknesses and enhances strengths, promoting whole-brain learning by creating diverse mental connections, making learning meaningful and exciting.



Visual learners rely on visual references. They excel with images, books featuring pictures, online tutorials, organizers, drawings, scaffolding, mapping, and more.


Tactile learners thrive on physical interaction and touch. They excel in hands-on projects, tapping, tile manipulation, tracing letters in sand or foam, exploring textures, finger painting, and more.